Author Archives: erinmpower

Australia… Again!

I spent the second week of my Lunar New Year vacation making another visit to Australia!  I didn’t do much touring in Australia, I was a little tired out after going non-stop in Indonesia the week before.  But, I did fit in a little sightseeing! I checked out some art museums in Sydney… and I […]

Bali Part Three (Ubud)

After a few amazing days in the Gilis we finished up our trip in Ubud – a town in central Bali which is known as a cultural/yoga center.  I did love Ubud – and had an amazing time there – but I did feel that it was a bit too westernized.  Cara and I joked […]

Bali – Part Two (Gili Islands)

Although Cara and I had an amazing time the first half of our trip in Candi Dasa, Kuta, and Seminyak – the highlight was definitely our last two destinations – Gili Trawangan and Ubud. The Gili Islands are technically part of Bali’s neighboring island Lombok.  In Indonesian “Gili” means “small island.” The three islands: Gili […]

Bali – Part One

This year, the first two weeks of February were Tet, or the Vietnamese New Year (Chuc Mung Nam Moi!).  In Vietnam this is a huge celebration – most of my Vietnamese co-workers traveled back to their home towns to see their families. For my break, I was incredibly lucky and my friend Cara was able […]

Ha Long Bay – Hanoi – and (a tiny bit of) Korea!

Over my winter break, I was so happy I got to go home and spend Christmas with my family and friends!  It was especially nice to get to see my sister before she went off traveling on her own (to study abroad in Ireland).  Before I left for the states, I managed to fit in […]

Back in Phnom Penh!

Last weekend I went back to Phnom Penh with a group of my co-workers!  It was really neat, because even though I went to the same place two times so close together – I had a completely different experience both times.  My more recent trip was really relaxing – Phnom Penh moves at a much […]

Phnom Penh

Last weekend I took a bus over to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It’s a lot of traveling for such a short trip (I was only in Phnom Penh for a little over 24 hours), but I managed to fit a lot in!  It was a really interesting time to visit Cambodia, the king’s father (Norodom Sihanouk) […]


The first week in October I had my first substantial break from school, so I used to go on a trip to Australia!  It was SO nice to get a bit of a break from Southeast Asia!  Even though I’m much closer living in Southeast Asia, I still spent a little over seventeen hours to […]

Siem Reap

Last weekend was Vietnamese Independence Day (independence from the French), so I got my first three day weekend!  Over the weekend, I left Vietnam for the first time since I’ve been here to go to Siem Reap, Cambodia to see the Angkor Wat.  Angkor Wat was probably the site I was most excited about seeing […]

Da Lat

I took my first weekend trip outside of Saigon to a town in the Central Highlands of Vietnam called Da Lat.  During the French occupation of Vietnam, the colonists used Da Lat as a vacation town – so the architecture has a strong French/Swiss influence (it’s known as “Le Petit Paris” – and even has […]